
SEPTEMBER, 23, 2019

Paper,Plastic or Reusable Bags for Shopping and Reuse.

Disposable paper and disposable plastic bags are both often given as choices when shopping, and while paper bags are often regarded as more environmentally sound, the scientific basis for either being superior is contested…


October, 7, 2019

Buying Environmental Toilet Paper.

Toilet paper is often derided as a major, however unavoidable environmental cost. Because of this, actions have been taken to reduce the environmental effect of toilet paper through recycling and the utilization of other materials, such as sugarcane in an effort to reduce the environmental impact…


November, 9, 2019

The Most Environmental of Energy Efficient Light Bulbs.

Over the past eight years, electricity usage in the United States, a traditionally aggressive consumer of electricity, has fallen after decades of rising rates; the main reason for this is related to advancements in light bulb efficiency…

Decmeber, 3, 2019

Storing Leftovers without Disposables.

During the holiday season, storing leftover food without plastic is challenging, especially because of the unusual volume of food provided. To prevent the broad use of plastic, certain strategies and routines can be formed to allow for the use of reusable containers over disposable plastic bags and food containers.

January, 17, 2020

Three Steps for Buying Home Goods Environmentally.

When purchasing most products, consumers often face decisions over how to balance the requirement for new goods and environmental concern, especially when purchasing a product with a fixed life expectancy…


February, 23, 2020

Facts Regarding Food Labels and Health Claims.

When purchasing packaged food, it has become increasingly common for terms such as “ natural “, or “ organic “ to distinguish and or elevate a product in environmental or health terms; according to a survey conducted by Consumer Reports, most consumers search for products with such titles…


March, 31, 2020

Six Alternatives for Common Disposables.

In wake of the recent pandemic, an increasing number of shoppers began stockpiling disposable and or perishable goods, including such items as plastic food bags, multi-purpose wipes and other similar items. Because of this increased demand and higher than average prices, in some instances so called “ price gouging “, many may find the implementation of reusable alternatives helpful.

May, 11, 2020

Ways to Use Less Paper Towel.

A common waste product in homes, though often avoidable, paper towel has become increasingly difficult to obtain due to higher demand during the current pandemic; this has led many to pursue reusable, and subsequently more environmental solutions to paper towel…


July, 6, 2020

Avoiding Packaging Waste When Grocery Shopping.

Over the past several months, consumer habits, including habits relating to food shopping, have been altered considerably due to the pandemic. Grocery habits are now increasingly centered on delivery services and packaged goods such as take away services, leading to new risks and benefits environmentally…

August, 5, 2021

Landscape Compost Techniques and Uses. 

During the Summer season, months of compost accumulated is often usable for garden application, presenting a landscaping opportunity for gardeners and a source of possible confusion for novices in environmental landscaping…

July, 25, 2022

Reusing and Decontaminating Masks.

In the earliest months of the coronavirus pandemic, reusing a mask was fairly simplistic, as cloth masks were widely accepted as effective and could take the place of disposable alternatives, such as surgical masks. However…