Storing Leftovers without Disposables
During the holiday season, storing leftover food without plastic is challenging, especially because of the unusual volume of food provided. To prevent the broad use of plastic, certain strategies and routines can be formed to allow for the use of reusable containers over disposable plastic bags and food containers.
A silicone bowl cover ( pictured here drying ) can be an effective replacement for plastic wrap.
Disposable food containers and bags can be replaced by environmental alternatives, usually reusable food storage containers, if planned for in advance.
Replacing plastic wrap, as is used with open top pans or bowls, with an environmental option can be done either by placing the food in a reusable glass container with a sealed lid or by using a silicone bowl cover ( pictured ). These flexible bowl covers provide an advantage of allowing the use of the bowl the food is already in and are a more direct replacement for Glad Wrap style plastic solutions.
As a replacement for the disposable plastic food containers often used in these circumstances, especially for holidays, glass containers, like those sold by Pyrex and Anchor Hocking provide an alternative to disposables and come in various sizes; choosing the container with a rigid lid with clamps instead of a flexible silicone or rubberized plastic lid is better for traveling because spillage is prevented.
These typically glass reusable containers come in various sizes that should accommodate most foods without the need to resort to disposable solutions.
Another option for reusable food storage are stainless steel containers, which offer the advantage of durability, useful if travel is a consideration.
Stainless steel containers are available from many sources who specialize in plastic free alternatives to food storage and preparation; unlike the glass option however, these container are sometimes not dishwasher safe. With this variety of options, if used fully, disposable food storage and refrigeration should be replaceable without any negative effect on convenience.